Monday, December 30, 2019
Nicolas Lonard Sadi Carnot
Nicolas Lonard Sadi Carnot Nicolas Lonard Sadi Carnot Nicolas Lonard Sadi CarnotNicolas Lonard Sadi Carnot, the son of high-ranking military leader Lazare Nicholas Marguerite Carnot, was born in Paris in 1796. His father resigned from the army in 1807 to educate Nicolas and his brother Hippolyteboth received a broad, home-based education that included science, art, language, and music. In 1812, the 16-year-old Nicolas Carnot was admitted to the highly esteemed cole Polytechnique in Paris. His instructors included Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, Simon Denis Poisson, and Andr-Marie Ampre fellow students included famous future scientists Claude-Louis Navier, and Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis. During his time in school, Carnot developed a special interest in the theory of gases and solving industrial engineering problems. After graduation, Carnot entered the French Army as a military engineer and served until 1814. In 1821, he visited his father, who had moved to Magdeburg, Germany. Lazare had seen a steam engine that had come to the city and father and son spent much of their time together discussing theories about how steam engines worked. Carnot returned to Paris, excited to develop scientific theories about steam engines and heat no researchers had yet discovered the fundamental scientific principles behind their operation. Most scientists believed in caloric theory, which maintained heat was an invisible liquid that flowed when it was out of balance. Carnot wanted to use his research to improve the efficiency of steam engines, which was only a meager 3% at the time. Carnot had two key questions about heat engines he wanted to answer Was the work available from a heat source unlimited? And can the efficiency of heat engines be improved by replacing steam with a different fluid or gas? In 1824, Carnot published Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire, which detailed his research and presented a well-reasoned theoretical treatment for the perfect (but unattainable) heat eng ine, now known as the Carnot cycle. In the first stage of his model, the piston moves downward while the engine absorbs heat from a source and gas begins to expand. In the second stage, as the piston continues to move downward, the heat is removed the gas mucksmuschenstill expands but this time through a temperature drop. In the third stage, the piston starts to rise and the gas is compressed again, driving off heat (isothermal compression). In the fourth stage, the piston continues to move upward, the cooled gas is compressed, and the temperature rises. Carnot realized that the conduction of heat between parts of the engine at different temperatures had to be eliminated to maximize efficiency. He also introduced the concept of reversibility, whereby motive power can be used to produce the temperature difference in the engine. Also some of the theories he determined laid the groundwork for the discovery of the second law of thermodynamics. Carnot died during a cholera epidemic that swept Paris in 1832, at the age of 36. Fearing they were contaminated, many of his writings were buried with him at his funeralvery little was saved. Unfortunately he did not live to see his work revered by other scientists. His ideas were incorporated into the thermodynamic theories proposed by Rudolf Clausius and William Thomson in the early 1850s. Rudolf Diesel also drew on Carnots theories when he designed the diesel engine in 1893. With his multiple scientific contributions, including the Carnot heat engine, Carnot theorem, and Carnot efficiency, Nicolas Lonard Sadi Carnot is often described as the Father of Thermodynamics. His concept of the idealized heat engine led to the development of a thermodynamic ordnungsprinzip that could be quantified, a key success that enabled many of the future discoveries that lay ahead. Mark Crawford is an independent writer.With his multiple scientific contributions Nicolas Lonard Sadi Carnot is often described as the Father of Thermodynamics.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
When You Look in the Mirror, I Smile
When You Look in the Mirror, I SmileWhen You Look in the Mirror, I SmileFind out how a simple mirror can improve your likelihood of landing the job.Lets face it, the professional job search is a heck of a lot longer, more tedious, and more frustrating than any of us can bear.Between ducking out for lunch-time interviews and cranking through networking calls, your job search might leave you frazzled, hassled and just a bit down in the dumps.Banging out another four phone calls after an exhausting day in the office - even though it could mean the jackpot - is tough to get excited about.And the negative thoughts from a bad mood or a hard day have a way of creeping into your voice. You might not even realize it, but you may come across sounding tired or crabby or exhausted, and that undercuts the whole purpose of making your calls.So heres my bit of job hunting success advice to make your calls sound greatBuy a mirror.It sounds like a small thing, and probably a funny thing, but a mirr or can be a remarkably helpful thing for wiping away the negative feelings you might unconsciously be transmitting over the airwaves.Buy a mirror, and keep it by the phone. Just before you make your networking calls and interview calls, take a good long look in the mirror.And what do we do when we look in the mirror?We smile.Its just a minute, but before your calls, make sure to have a nice, big, warm smile back at yourself.Think of summer days, or your first kiss, or the birth of your first child, and enjoy watching how big and wide a smile you can have.And the amazing thing, which scientific research has actually backed up, is that our facial expressions can really change our emotions.So youll find that even after a bad berichterstattung day, grinning a grin - a big old grin - for 5 minutes can actually make you feel better. Ive tried it myself over the years, and its really true.Those positive feelings help your spirits, help you sound great on the phone, and help you get your next job that much quicker.So thats my simple advice for this week, folks mirror = smile = good attitude = positive impression. I hope you find it as useful as I haveEnjoy and have a great week
Saturday, December 21, 2019
A Professionals Guide to Asking for Your Old Job Back (Without Begging)
A Professionals Guide to Asking for Your Old Job Back (Without Begging)A Professionals Guide to Asking for Your Old Job Back (Without Begging)Youre a few months to a year into what you thought would be your dream job. You left a perfectly good job in order to take this one because you thought it would be a better opportunity.But now that some time has passed, its clear you were dead wrong. Not only is thisnotthejob of your dreams, it isnt even close to as good as the job you had before.The thought of returning to your old job has crossed your mind more than once, but you dont know how to go about approaching your oldcompany about the possibility of getting rehired. Herewhat to do- in this order.Revisit Why You LeftOnce youve begun fantasizing about returning to your past employer, youre likely to start weighing a lot of factors at onceWould they want meback?Have they backfilled byposition by now? Is there even room for me if they have?Dont get ahead of yourself. Before you can answer any of those questions, you need to reexamine the reasons why you left in the first place. Think hard about whether your motivations back thenshould deter you from rejoining your past employer now. If any major downsides from your last role led you to quit it and youd have to face them again, you might want to think twice about rejoining the company. But if not,youre all clear to reach out to your former employer.Related 3 Times Its Okay to Change Your Mind About a Job Offer (or Your Whole Career)Network InformallyWhen you resigned, you likely left behind a boss, mentor, or a champion in the company who knows you well. Reach out to that person- informally at first- and confidentially discuss your desire to return to the company. Ask for theirhonest sense ofthe feasibility of that happening, including the companys perception of you, your work, your skill set,how well-liked you were, and (most important of all) how the company seemed to feel about the circumstances surrounding your d eparteure.If you left on great terms and the company has a need for you, go into soft-sell mode and talk about the new skills youve acquired since you left. You want to position yourself as an incoming employee whos going to addnewvalue, not just the same old employee who left and now wants to return. The likelihood of your getting rehired goes way up if you give your contact inside the company allthe ammunition they need to go back andsell your candidacy to thosewho are responsible for hiring.Related How I Got My Old Job Back After Leaving for a New OneApply FormallyIf your informal liaison gives you the green light, then have them put you in prise with ahuman resources officeror the person in charge of hiring for your position. But hang onto a job-interview mindset for this stage- you arent negotiating anything just yet. Youllneed a well-crafted story for why your former employer should consider you always assume there are other qualified candidates for the company to choose from. But dont downplay your experience since quitting. In fact, keep the focus of your story on the benefits of hiring youthe second time around, since this is now what separates you from other candidates. Include new skills youve acquired in the meantime, plusyour extensive knowledge of the company and the way it operates. Talk upthe fact that you have relationships already in place with employees in the company, and emphasize how quickly youll be able to hit the ground running and getback up to speed.Prepare for aDifferent Type of InterviewBe ready for a very different job interview than what you might expect had you neverworked at the company. That conversationwill likely center aroundwhy you left and why you now want to come back. Expect some level of skepticism on the part of the company, since somebody who left once can always leave twice. The company might hesitate to reinvest in you if it cant be sure you plan to stay, so your pitchneeds to be compelling.While you shouldfocus ont hemain skills youll be bringing back to the company, the interview is also your chance to sell the new skills youll be bringing in this time around. Dont hold back in making the case for yourself, and dont be afraid to admit any mistakes you mightvemade in deciding to leave originally. You need to convince people that since you were a highly valuable employee the first time around, you can be an even more valuable employee the second time around.Related 5 Steps to Getting Rehired By a Former EmployerNegotiate for More Than What You Left WithSalary, job title, responsibilities You might hesitate to, but you should negotiate for more of everything.Once you move successfully through the interview process and it looks like the company is interested in bringing you back, youve gained leverage. So use itThe narrative you told about being a value-add clearly paid off, so now you need to carry it throughthe negotiation stage. As a result, you should ask for more money, a higher job title, a nd more responsibility.This approach lets you negotiatefrom a position of strength. If the company winds up offering you the same job or salary that you had before, the ball is in your court to decide if its worth taking. But whatever you do,neveraccept a lowertitle or less paythan you had the first time around. It will be uncomfortable for you and for everybody around you, especially if past subordinates later become your peers- and its a sign that your company doesnt value you as much as it did before. Youd be better off accepting a job elsewhere.This article was originally published on Fast Company. It has been republished here with permission.
Monday, December 16, 2019
5 Ways to Get Your Resume Past Applicant Tracking Systems
5 Ways to Get Your Resume Past Applicant Tracking Systems5 Ways to Get Your Resume Past Applicant Tracking SystemsAn Applicant Tracking System is defined as the followingApplicant Tracking System (acronym ATS) noun - 1. Trickster robot designed to thwart job application efforts and deflect resumes into the recruitment black hole.Alright. I may have made that definition up. But if youve been a job seeker applying online to advertised positions with no luck, chances are an Applicant Tracking System is what youre coming up against.Unfortunately, in the modern job search world, the ATS has become a necessary evil. Recruiters use an ATS for narrowing the influx of applications to only those that are relevant to the job. An ATS scans your document and only highlights those who match a predefined list of keywords. This way the recruiter can find applicants with very specific skills for a very specific job.1. Spot when your resume will go through an ATSIf you are required to make a login ID, upload your resume, or fill out an online application, you can assume your resume will go through initial screening by a robot. With approximately 60% of medium and 75% of large companies using ATS, in order to eliminate up to 98% of applicants at the initial screen, its important you understand how to optimise your formatting and content to increase the chances of it being read by a pair of human eyes.2. Remember formatting fundamentalsWhen listing your employment experiences, lead with the company name, followed by your job title, then a description and bullet point your key achievements.The date should always appear to the right of the company name for optimum reading by the ATS.Dont put your contact details in headers or footers. ATS doesnt like em. The information can disappear and you can become destined for application exile.Keep typeface simple. Stick with Arial, Calibri or Cambria and use the same throughout. Forget Times New Roman font. It is super outdatedThe file naming convention should be your name and a keyword or two. (ex Bec OConnor_Civil Engineer_Resume)3. Provide content cluesMirror the job posting language on your resume. Copy and paste the job advertisement and description into a Word document. Next, physically highlight industry terms, buzzwords, skills, and jargon the hiring manager uses most frequently in the description. Then, pepper your summary, skills section and experience with the same, as long as its in the context of your actual skills and experience, as they apply to the role.4. Spellcheck and spellcheck againReading your resume backward is a weird and wonderful way to pick up on errors you may otherwise miss. You should also be using an amazing app called Grammarly which will catch the majority of your errors for you and offer corrections.5. Tailor every single resume whether its going through an ATS or not.With all that said, my final piece of advice, which might render everything I just told you useless is thisDo not invest your time and energy into responding to advertised vacancies online.Job postings can be a useful research tool in your job hunt but if you rely on them as your sole strategy, you will be sorely disappointed.Why did you need to know all of the above then?Because knowledge is power. If youre not getting any bites, then I want you to know why and how to adapt. To truly take control of your search, you will need to define and narrow your target. Ask yourself these questionsWhat does your ideal role look like?What are your coveted companies?Once thats clear, you can tailor and create a powerful professional brand through your resume and LinkedIn while redirecting your time and energy into engaging your network.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Motor T Marines Training And Job Description
murl T Marines Training And Job DescriptionMotor T Marines Training And Job DescriptionIn the Marine Corps, each job, ormilitary occupational specialty (MOS)and related jobs are classified within occupational fields (OccFlds). Themotor transport field includes operations and maintenance functions for tactical and commercial motor vehicle services.Marinesaspiring to this MOS will need a good driving record and should have some experience working on and maintaining motor vehicles. The job is a lot more than driving and keeping the engines running, however. Marines in this job frequently work with those in the distribution management field to transport everything from people and supplies to resources and equipment even amphibious vehicles or aircraft. There are several specialties in this transportation field. They include automotive maintenance technicians, who maintain and repair motor transport vehicles and equipment and motor vehicle operators, who do maintenance and repairs in ad dition to driving tactical wheeled vehicles in support of combat and garrison operations. Motor vehicle operator is considered a PMOS Primary Military Occupation Specialty. The ranks for this job may range from private to sergeant. Job Requirements To work in the motor transport field, including as a motor vehicle operator, Marines must possess a Mechanical Maintenance (MM)scorefrom the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) of 85 or higher, and complete the Motor Vehicle Operator Course (7T). This is also a job that requires the ability to work closely with others as part of a team. Motor transport Marines will be required to learn military vehicle operator and maintenance procedures, personnel and operations management techniques, preparation of orders and directives, and record-keeping procedures. Formal schooling and standardized training is provided to Marines entering this field. After recruit training, Marines in Motor Transport will attend one of two training courses either the Automotive Organizational Maintenance Course, or the Motor Vehicle Operator Course at Camp Lejeune, in North Carolina. Non-MOS qualified Reserve Marines unable to attend the regular formal school course may be certified for MOS 3531, as an AMOS-only, by the unit commander upon successful completion of the Alternate Training Instructional Program (ATIP) of the Marine Force Reserves. The ATIP for MOS 3531 (Motor Vehicle Operator) Marines is found in Force Order 1535.1 and consists of core tasks to be performed to standard during managed on-the-job training (MOJT) at the unit prior to attending a Motor Vehicle Operator mobile training team (MTT). A tiefpunkt of 6-months MOJT while assigned to a 3531 billet is required. Marines in Motor Transport must meet the prerequisites of the course instruction and possess a valid state drivers license, with the exception of students attending the MOS-producing school at the FLC, Ft. Leonard Wood in Missouri. Applicants past dri ving record will be subject to a search under the National Driver Register, and they will needa U.S. Government motor vehicle operators identification card for an M-Series 7-ton vehicle. The minimum height for motor vehicle operation in the Marines is 64 inches, and the maximum is75 inches and they must have normal color vision. Marines entering this field will receive MOS 3500, basic motor transport.Here are some of the Marine Corps enlisted MOS organized under this occupational field. In order to qualify for this MOS, Marines needa mechanical maintenance (MM) score of 95 or higher on theArmed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery(ASVAB), and will likely need to complete the motor transport career course at Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, North Carolina, at their commanding officers discretion. 3521 Automotive Organizational Mechanic This is a straightforward job with a great amount of responsibility. The automotive organizational mechanic services, inspects, maintains, and repairs mo tor transport equipment. ansicht vehicles include fuel and water tankers, seven-ton trucks andhigh mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles (HMMWVs), better known as Humvees. 3522Automotive Intermediate Mechanic This is the next step up from automotive organizational mechanic, and adds rebuilding of automotive components of tactical transport equipmentto the list of duties. Marines must have six months experience asMOS 3521to qualify, and need to complete the automotive intermediate maintenance course. 3523Logistics Vehicle System Mechanic These mechanics provide intermediate level inspection of motor vehicles, including diagnosis and maintenance of power train, air induction, exhaust, hydraulic, cooling, electrical, fuel, brake, steering and suspension components for the LVS series vehicle. Theyll need to complete theautomotive intermediate maintenance course, and the logistics vehicle maintenance course at Camp Johnson in Jacksonville, North Carolina. 3534 Semitrailer Refueler Opera tor Semitrailer refueler mechanics operate and maintain the M931 and MK3l tactical tractors and the M970 and MK970 semitrailer refuelers. Theyre trained to conduct fueling and defueling operations for all aviation and ground vehicles. To qualify for this MOS, Marines need 12 months experience as anMOS 3531or MOS3533. Theyll complete a semitrailer refueler operator course at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri. 3526Crash/Fire/Rescue Vehicle Mechanic These mechanics inspect, service, maintain, and repair crash, fire, and rescue vehicles. Theyll need a mechanical maintenance (MM) score of 95 or higher on theArmed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery(ASVAB), and have either MOS 3521, 3522 or 3529. 3529Motor Transport Maintenance Chief This MOS supervises the maintenance, repair, and inspection of motor transport vehicles, and directs the activities of assigned enlisted personnel in a motor transport repair shop or facility. They assist the motor transport maintenance officer in all duties and tasks. Other Motor Transport MOS 3524 Fuel and Electrical Systems Mechanic 3529 Motor Transport Maintenance Chief 3531 Motor Vehicle Operator 3536 Vehicle Recovery Operator 3537 Motor Transport Operations Chief 3538 Licensing Examiner The Motor Transport Division (MTD) on major Marine Corps installations develops and implements policies, provides oversight and guidance on operational and maintenance issues, and provides direction when needed to respective Fleet Managers within the area in support of Bases, Stations and Operating Forces within Marine Expeditionary Force.
Friday, December 6, 2019
One Simple Tip About Resume for High School Student Template Unveiled
One Simple Tip About Resume for High School Student Template Unveiled Lying on your resume is not something which comes highly encouraged. However tempting it may be to stretch the truth, lying on your resume is always a poor idea. 1 line telling the reader what you would like in a job isnt likely to do this. In truth, it is very good practice. Employers search for staff that have a history of creating positive contributions. Career Objectives are excellent for resumes with a particular function. Career Objective Templates Hiring words really like to observe the important information theyre searching for at the peak of your resume. Resumes give potential employers a means to learn about applicants quickly and readily, and theyre your very first step toward new job opportunities. Part Time Sales Associates Resume Objectives Part time sales associates work in a wide range of industries and companies, and are among the most visible work in the retail world. The letter offers detailed info on why youre qualified for the job that you are applying for. Writing a resume summary statement could be the main facet of getting your resume prepared to submit to possible employers. Oftentimes these jobs receive lots of distinct applicants, which explains why its vital to make your resume stand out. Some people would rather list qualifications rather than objectives. You may also have a skills section in which you list soft skills and any programs, languages, or certifications youve got. If you bury them within your day-to-day duties or general academic info, they might not be seen. Youre able to showcase your work history, but in addition fill in more space by talking about your abilities and other knowledge youve got. New Step by Step Roadmap for Resume for High School Student Template Use a resume template in case you dont need to produce mistakes in the format schrift and begin working. Resume examples and templates are really helpful, especially when youre writing one of your very first resumes. Consider what youre going to be putting on your resume, and select your template accordingly. This template is certain to bag you the job that you dream about. Ingenious digital minds have produced a wide selection of online and mobile phone tools which make it much easier to construct and share professional-looking, neatly-formatted resumes. You might want to check out LiveCareer to see valuable suggestions to help you compose an excellent resume that will impress prospective employers and set you in the greatest possible light. By outlining these vital facets, you can choose which are the most outstanding ones related with the job that you are applying. Thus, when you sit down to compose your first resume, attempt to consider your prior jobs in a new light. Its actually fine even in case you dont have formal work experiences provided that you have other informal experiences related with the job that you are applying. Volunteer working experience on high school resumes are an excellent means to add work experience whenever you dont have anyor even when you do. Ensure that the skills are related to the job that you desire. Write down what skills you used, and the way they may relate to the job that you desire. Rather, return to the work ad and utilize it like the ideal exam cheat sheet ever. There are typical competencies that all sales associates should possess to be able to successfully execute the job. This kind of resume can be great if youve got little if any conventional work experience. Just make sure you tailor your objective to the particular sales job youre applying for. Youre able to list activities within this section that demonstrate the qualifications you listed in a preceding section. Every section takes a slightly different strategy. The very first section of your resume should consist of information on the way in which the employer can contact you. Skip this section and keep belo w. The Nuiances of Resume for High School Student Template Next, you will find out how to earn a college resume prepared for the big leagues Therefore, if your student intends to work while theyre in school or simply wishes to be ready for graduation, developing a scholarship resume now gives them the framework they should receive one ready for work applications whenever the time comes. Youre going to see the ideal college application resume on Earth. As most applications dont demand a scholarship resume, adding one is an excellent way for students to acquire an edge.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
6 Reasons Why Marketing Could Be Your Dream Career
6 Reasons Why Marketing Could Be Yur Dream Career 6 Reasons Why Marketing Could Be Your Dream CareerPosted February 15, 2012, by Mike KermodeIf youve got a way with words, images, people and strategy, and are plugged into whats now, you could have what it takes to enjoy a successful and stimulating career in absatzwirtschaft. Here are six reasons why marketing could be your dream career.The industry is at a dynamic crossroadsThese days people spend an inordinate amount of time online working, playing, connecting and shopping With a whopping 88 per cent of Australian household Internet users conducting some form of e-commerce in 2011, digital marketing is, without a doubt, the new marketing frontier. And then theres social media. With one in every nine human beings on the planet on Facebook and 2.9 million hours spent on YouTube each month, social media has mushroomed to completely transform the way in which consumers are engaged and target demographics reached. Its an exciting a nd transformative time in the marketing world, and you could be right in the thick of it.You have more creative avenues on hand than everBut its not just social media. Mobile computing and apps, online advertising, search engine optimisation, RSS feeds, online press releases, blogs, email marketing, viral marketing, affiliate marketing, branding all these form parte of the marketing landscape in 2012. This means organisations not only have new markets but a new set of avenues through which messages can be delivered to consumers which means that on top of being creative, you will have to get your head around how to exploit all the available media and technologies. It certainly makes for a more eclectic approach than the old days of billboards, radio and TV ads These are exciting times, with almost limitless possibilities. The challenges, and the rewards, have never been greater.You get to connect with loads of peopleAt its core, marketing is about getting your message through to people and convincing them to buy your product or service. Marketing requires constant communication with people and, as a marketer, you need to find ways to engage your audience. For this, you need to really know people and understand what makes them tick. An account manager needs to be able to get along with clients a market researcher needs to anticipate what target audiences might want a public relations pro needs to know how audiences will respond to news. To be a truly effective marketer, you need to be able to put yourself in someone elses shoes and understand how they think and feel. Marketing work also involves working in teams to develop and nurture creative ideas for a campaign, so it helps if youre a people person. If you love collaborating with others, a marketing career could be just what youre after.There are good opportunities for progressionThere are two main areas for marketers the client side and the agency side. The client side involves working in the marketing department of a business, non-profit organisation or public sector department. Agency work means working for a business (agency) that provides advertising and marketing services to other businesses, and doing their marketing for them. When you start out in client services, you might be a marketing assistant helping out with different entry level tasks. The next rung up might be to become a marketing coordinator, and if yours is a company that sells a product, youve also got product designers and managers. Above that youve generally got the department head honchos marketing managers and directors. On the agency side, there are multiple opportunities in project management, public relations and market research, with a sortiment of levels of progression. There are also media buyers and account management roles for those with strong management, negotiation and financial skills. If youve got the talent and drive, there are plenty of opportunities for both frontline and behind-the-sc enes roles.Its vital to business and all industries need itMarketing is used by virtually every organisation, both commercial and public, and the quality of that marketing often determines a businesss success or failure. Whether its a financial institution, fashion retailer, government department, e-business or charity organisation each needs good marketing to succeed, and each requires a different kind of sell. By applying your marketing nous in whatever field or industry interests you, you can be a key player in driving the success of any business.Its one of the most creative industries out thereMarketing messages need to be constantly refreshed, renewed and transformed in order to cut through the noise of competing messages. You have to continually work at new ways to approach a problem and think outside the square, and theres no place for complacency. Few jobs hinge on creativity and innovation the way marketing does. You can apply your creativity in all sorts of ways from developing big-picture marketing strategies to the details of what text and images to use. And when it all clicks when a campaign gets a massive response and transforms a businesss fortunes just ask any account or product manager how that feels. Theyll tell you. Its awesome.Want to get into marketing? Check out our full range of online marketing courses Check out the career-defining moves to make in your 20s, 30s and 40s.Top courses in 2017Administration coursesAnimal Care coursesBuilding and Construction coursesCounselling coursesCommunity Services coursesNatural Therapy coursesNursing coursesNutrition coursesProject Management coursesReal Estate coursesSocial Work coursesTravel and Tourism coursesBachelor of geschftsleben (Marketing)Study modeOnlinePayment optionsHECS-HELPUpfront paymentCourse guide+ FREE eBrochureEnquire Online Nadim ElRahi - Marketing MangerJames Ellender - General Manager, Marketing and StrategyInterested in becoming a?AccountantOffice AdministratorManagem ent ConsultantMarketing ManagerMarketing OfficerPopular Career Searchesonline marketing courses australiadiploma of sales and marketinggraduate certificate in digital marketingmarketing courses sydney australiasocial science degree career opportunitiesMarketing CoursesBachelor of Applied Business (Marketing)Enquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Digital MediaEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of CommunicationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineMaster of CommunicationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineMike KermodeRelated ArticlesBrowse moreAdvertisingHow To Break Into Advertising 4 Career PathsTheyre on highway billboards, theyre in your monthly magazines, on your most visited websites and interrupt your TV programs. Advertisements are a part of our daily lives and constitute one of the most competitive and exciting industries around.AdvertisingJob hunting tipsHow to get a job in advertisingWith shows like The Gruen Transfer, 30 Seconds and Mad Men all centring on the ad world, the advertisi ng industry is looking sexier than ever.AdvertisingMarketingMarketing gone wrong epic failsPity the poor marketing hack, trying to tap into the zeitgeist and produce a marketing campaign that will grab the public imagination and see a product take off.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Tips for Career Change Interviews
Tips for Career Change InterviewsTips for Career Change InterviewsIf youve succeeded in getting an interview for a job in your new desired career, congratulations Thats a sure sign that youve crafted a career change cover letter and resume that successfully conveys that youre a qualified applicant, and your previous experience is relevant to your new career. During your interview, continue to hammer that message home. Here are six tips to help you have a successful career change interview. Play Up Similar Skills Heres the good nachrichtensendung about switching careers Its not a hard reset. You wont need to work your way up from an entry-level position all over again. During your original career, you gained valuable experience and knowledge that youll bring to any new role. In fact, your former field may have more in common with your new industry than you thought. Before your interview, list out the skills you used in previous jobs thatll be relevant in your new career. Review th e job description, and consider where you have applicable experience. Heres how to match your qualifications with the job description. During the interview, sell these transferable skills, giving lots of specific examples. Soft skills, in particular, often carry over from one career to the next. Also look for ways the two careers have overall similarities. If youve managed a construction crew, for instance, youll want to put the focus on your management skills (delivering on time, communicating projects, etc.) during interviews (and not on your construction know-how). Or, if youre moving from retail to food services, you can focus on your strong customer service background. Have a Plan for Gaining New Skills While soft skills can often transfer, you may not have some of the hard skills or job-specific skills needed in the new role. This will likely come up in your interview, so make sure you can address how youll ramp up and gain this experience, whether by taking a class, findi ng a mentor, or researching online. You can also consider implementing plans to gain knowledge and expertise even before you have the job. For instance, if your new field requires a basic knowledge of HTML or the ability to copy edit documents, you can enroll in a class. Then, if it comes up in the interview, you can say youre already taking a class to improve your knowledge, which will make you seem proactive and invested in your new path. One cautionary note Its better to be straightforward about areas where you do not have experience than to be vague or obfuscate. And never, ever be dishonest - thatll only lead to unpleasant revelations when you do get the job. Keep in mind No job candidate will have all the skills and experience required for a job. So its fine to have some gaps. Showcase Your Flexibility Not everyone deals with change well. Companies will only take a chance on some new to the field if theyre confident the candidate can adapt to new workflows, priorities, an d responsibilities. During the interview, make it clear that youre comfortable with change by showcasing moments when youve dealt with unexpected adjustments, such as a new boss, changes in your job description, or even just moments when youve handled problems on the fly. Point Out Any Advantages of Your Old Career Path It could very well be the case that your previous career offers benefits to your new career in the form of insider information or a helpful network of connections. For instance, if you switch from a client-side role to a vendor role, youll be able to share insights with your new employer on what exactly clients are looking for. If youve moved from content to publicity, you might be able to share a contact list of writers and editors to promote a product, or might have insight into what pitches will be best received. Be Prepared to Explain Why Youre Changing Careers Theres no question that youll be asked during the interview process why you are shifting career s. Try to frame your move as being logical - develop a narrative that conveys why youre making this move. Your goal is to convey that you are not flighty, and will not seek to switch careers again. Employers are eager to hire candidates who will stick around. Put the emphasis again on the qualities that are similar between the roles, and share what makes you feel excited and enthusiastic about your new career. Be careful to avoid being overly negative about your previous career. Its fine to say that an industry is shrinking or you feel theres a lack of available opportunities, but dont harp on the negative aspects. Be Aware - and Adjust for - Culture Changes The appropriate interview outfit for a corporate job and a start-up company are very dissimilar, and the same is true for fashion and banking, teaching and sales, and so on.The differences in whats considered appropriate arent only outfit-based Different industries can have vastly different cultures and communication style s. Start-ups, for instance, often have a flat organizational structure, with feedback welcome from everyone, while more corporate industries may have a top-down structure. If the environment in your new industry will be very different, try to show that youll fit in by walking the walk and talking the talk during your interview.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Make an Important Career Decision - The Muse
How to Make an Important Career Decision - The MuseHow to Make an Important Career Decision Ive always been plagued by indecision. In one particularly illustrative example, my nine-year-old self broke down in tears in a shoe store having to decide between the purple hi-tops and the pink and green hi-tops. I just didnt know which option would be the best way to kick off the fourth grade. In my adult life, this has often come up in job-related decisions. Ive spent weeks wringing my hands, tossing and turning, and endlessly contemplating Should I work at this small agency with great people, or the larger one with better pay and name recognition? Should I take the new position, or hold out for a promotion at my current job? Should I stay in the city I love or move for a great career opportunity?Of course, I utilize all of the tried-and-true methods making long lists of pros and cons, talking things out with friends, making a choice and sleeping on it, and even taking a class on quantitat ive analysis (complicated Excel models most definitely included).But in many situations, theres no clear right answer, or even a best one. Which is why I really loved the advice I read recently from Inc.s Jayson Demers. When faced with a particularly tough crossroads, he writes, try asking yourself Who do I want to be?As he explainsInstead of thinking what you want to do, think about who you want to be. Picture how your identity will change as the result of your decision. Are you the type of person who works for a casual, laid-back company, or the type of person who makes more money and wears a suit every day? In a way, our decisions construct our identities, so use this strategy to help you figure out who you want to be.Yes, its important to know and think about all of the practical pros and cons of any given option. Its certainly valuable to consider the monetary benefits, growth potential, and happiness factor of each opportunity- and to understand the benefits and tradeoffs of e ach. But if youve done that and you still arent clear, try going through this exercise. Grab a notebook, and write out the answer to Who do I want to be? Think about yourself three years out (often, one year seems too soon and five years too far away), and describe the ideal version of your future self in as much detail as possible. Then, ask yourself Will the job opportunity- or opportunities- Im considering get me closer or further away from that person? Your answer just may be crystal clear.If not, and if youre comfortable doing so, this can be a great exercise to do with a friend. Talk through who you want to be and describe how each option would get you there (or not). Other people can often uncover messages that we miss, or even pick up revealing cues that we cant read, like body language, tone of voice, or nervous habits. No, asking yourself who you want to be isnt easy. But in the long run, its the question that will get you closer to the right answer- and to the life that y ou really want to live. Oh, and I decided I welches a pink and green hi-tops girl. Havent looked back since. Photo of rock scale courtesy of Shutterstock.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
This is the #1 key to grow the audience you want
This is the 1 key to grow the audience you wantThis is the 1 key to grow the audience you wantOur fast-paced instant-gratification digital world is teaching us all the wrong lessons.Its me-first. And you second. And yet its guised in this manner as if to placate you and lead you to believe that its all for you. But its really all for them. Many people arent offering true value. Theyre offering a regurgitated version of a reality TV show. One that you may not be able to turn away from, but one that isnt really helping you.Want go for the win? Want to truly start building an authentic community that you can interact and grow with, and that can lead to an abundance of great opportunities? Be yourself and give away every ounce of value that you can give without any expectation of anything in return. Do that and you will be on your way to growing and retaining the exact audience that you want.Social media today teaches us to sell others on things that we dont even believe ourselves. Which leads some to craft personas and images of themselves that are the farthest thing from authentic. And yet, the living of the lie continues are they are passed off to others as if theyre the representation of that persons true self.The social media landscape isnt a game like so many people like to say.Its a magnanimous opportunity to show millions of people who you really are and why you matter. If you showcase yourself in a way that is true to yourself, and that demonstrates value that others crave, youll start to see that the world is buying what youre selling.The point of representing yourself for who you truly are is that the opportunities and relationships that you desire most will actually come your way. And when they do, you wont have to even hesitate in your decision-making to emphatically and enthusiastically say, YESYoull feel it and youll immediately know. Then, youll start to say Yes, Id love to come collaborate with you on this idea for a start-up.Yes, Id love the oppor tunity to come build the _____ program at your company.Yes, Id love to come craft this marketing vision for your organization.Yes, Id love the opportunity to come speak at one of your events.Yes, Id love to sign this book deal. When can I begin writing?AuthenticityThe times that Ive gotten badeanstalt results are the times that Ive put out a version of myself that isnt really myself. I got caught up in the game. I got caught up, like you may from time to time, in the game of writing for likes, comments or offers of whatever. Thank God I discovered this early on and kept this to a minimum. What a colossal waste of timeThe game to win is the one of being your unique self every, single day and producting a product or content that will change the world around you.Thats the person that others want to see. I know this because every time Ive gotten up to speak in front of an audience of people and Ive been myself, Ive been well received. When I poured my heart out into my book, The Value o f You, others saw it as an authentic guide that changed their lives. They thanked me.Maybe you know exactly what Im talking about. Its a feel thing that feels SO right when you nail it. And its not hard. Its easy to lean in to who you really are, while dismissing any notions or perceptions of needing to be someone else.Do whatever youre going to do for the pureness of it - the love of it. You must do this first.Youll find that over time, even if you receive adulation, likes and comments, it will become darn-near impossible to sustain the consistency and passion that you need to keep producing great work if you dont actually love it. Every successful person that Ive worked with got to where they did because they loved the process of what they were doing.They were committed and enthusiastic about reaching their goals.It becomes mentally and emotionally draining to continue doing something that isnt true to who you are. You eventually ansturm out of ideas. You run out of motivation. Y ou start to doubt yourself more. If your whole platform is built off the likes and attention of others, what in the world do you do when its no longer there?Or when its diminished in size?Do you add more sensationalism? More shock and awe? If so, it sounds like you may be operating more like a print journalism operation in the year 2018 than what would be a successful digital representation.Is being someone else and living a phony life really what you want? Or do you want connection with the customers and fans you aim to attract? What could be better than using your natural skills, talent and passion, and melding those things together to form a product that is authentically you?Is there anything better than that?Isnt that the product that people will want to buy, follow and trek with on their own journey? If its real and good enough, yes.Be a bossThe world doesnt like copycats. The world likes originals. People who have a positive attitude, work hard, practice what they preach, then back it up with highly productive output on a consistent basis. When you are achieving this by doing what you love, you have truly achieved the pinnacle of self-actualization, as defined by Abraham Maslow.Youre a boss. And you have the power of creativity in your heart, mind, and soul.Dont be fooled by what you dont have.Dont long for something that you dont really need.Read the books that stir a passion in your soul. Seek out an education that demands that you challenge your beliefs - one that opens your mind to limitless possibilities.Discover opportunities that arent going to be handed to you on a silver platter - ones where you may have to dig a little bit deeper to find. Opportunities that dont come with an easy-to-use instruction manual. Ones where you may have to come up with a pitch or unique proposition to gain the attention of the decision maker. Forge your own path. Be a pioneer.Create relationships that will cause you to become overjoyed with positivity and self-disco very. Find people who help stir excitement, hope, confidence and self-realization inside of you. Then, turn around and add value to those peoples lives. Offer up your services, a listening ear or companionship to them. Help them. Help them help others.Your end product will be one of delightful self-satisfaction because it will include all of the ingredients that make you, you. Stop searching for ways to replicate someone elses exact approach toward life. Use them as examples, instead.The audience you want is identical to the person that you want to be. They want the same thing. The authentic you.Get startedJoin my newsletterandcheck out my bestselling book,The Value of You. This will give you inspiration to start planning for success on your journey. If youre interested in working with metry me here.Thisarticlefirst appeared on Medium.
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